Maria Rivera
Administrative Assistant
Maria Elena Rivera is a caregiver residing in California, who is an Administrative Assistant for the Sickle Cell Community Consortium. Maria’s involvement began as a caregiver to her daughter born with Sickle Cell Disease. Her daughter is a 25 year old patient, who is currently undergoing the bone marrow transplant process. Maria is deeply passionate about raising awareness for Sickle Cell Disease and serving as a supportive caregiver to her daughter and other caregivers. Maria and her daughter have expressed a fondness of providing help to the Sickle Cell Community Consortium. Maria has supported the Consortium by managing registration tables at various events, Spanish translator, and assisting Dr. Lakiea Bailey with ad hoc tasks. Maria is always inspired to promote the Sickle Cell Community and the Consortium through raising awareness, and aiding improvement in the lives of Sickle Cell warriors and caregivers.